Browse Items (214 total)

  • Collection: South East

Peter Dennis, Beccie Mannall, Linda Pointing 1992

Arthur Thickett 1993

Arthur Thickett, Daphine Mitchell, The Great Omani

Arthur Thickett, Daphine Mitchell, The Great Omani

Mary Yellands et. al. NA

multiple authors no date

Multiple Authors NA

Shorelink Community Writers/Ashley Jordan 1999-2000

Shorelink Community Writers/Ashley Jordan 2002

Shorelink Community Writers/Ashley Jordan Nov-19

Sid Manville 1989

Book 1:Hastings and Bexhill and Book 2: Multiple Authors November 1996 and April/May 1997

Shorelink Community Writers/Ashley Jordan

Multiple Authors: "Writing from within workshop at Sprial Arts"

Tim Wren 1998

Many Journalists January-April 1992

Many Journalists May-August 1992
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